Exercise Services

Using a Service

Currently we make a mortal error for Service Oriented Systems; we mix different types of functionality. The purpose of the UpperApplication class is to be a facade to the underlying services; it is very wrong to actually provide functionality in such a facade; its only purpose is to to protect against outside evil and dispatch to the underlying (unprotected) service.

So in this exercise you should create a service API and a provider. From a high level, this will consists of the following steps:

  • Create an API. We will create an API project that exports an Upper interface to turn a string into upper case.
  • Create a provider for the Upper service.
  • Convert the UpperApplication class to use the Upper service.
  • Add the provider to the set of run bundles

Create an API

It is important to keep API code away from implementation code. If you store API and implementation in the same project it is too easy to leak implementation code to other projects that only require the API.

In OSGi enRoute this means the name of the project should end with .api and you should select the OSGi enRoute template. Let’s to call our general API project com.acme.prime.api. Why not com.acme.prime.upper.api? Well, we plan for the future; we want to reuse this project for other API as well. We could create a project per API but that tends to create hundreds of almost empty projects over time. Since a workspace should be a cohesive module, the APIs we define in this general API project are very likely to be also cohesive.

In this new project, we rename the template API to reflect our semantics. So rename the com.acme.prime.api package to com.acme.prime.upper.api and the Prime.java file to Upper.java. Then change the Upper class so that we can use it to change a word to upper case:

public interface Upper {
	String upper(String input);

If you have another API in the future, you can then add it to the same project in another package.

Create a Provider

Now create a provider project for the Upper API. Call the project com.acme.prime.upper.provider and use the OSGi enRoute template. By default, this project does not see the API project so we should add it. This is done by double clicking on the bnd.bnd file in the com.acme.prime.upper.provider project and selecting the Build tab. On this tab, select the + and add the API project (double clicking works). This is added as latest, meaning that we use the version from the workspace.

We then should change the UpperImpl class to implement the Upper interface from our API project, so we must import com.acme.prime.upper.api.Upper. This class already is marked as a component so that it registers its implemented interface as a service.

@Component(name = "com.acme.prime.upper")
public class UpperImpl implements Upper {
	public String upper(String input) {
		return input.toUpperCase();

In general, a provider bundle should export the API it provides; in our case we provide the contract specified in the com.acme.prime.upper.api package. Exporting this package is a highly recommended best practice, it makes a lot of things work better later on. You can export this package by selecting the bnd.bnd file in the com.acme.prime.upper.provider project, and then the Contents tab. Notice the import: com.acme.prime.upper.api. Drag this import to the export list and save the file. The imports now disappears.

Change the Upper Application

We now need to change the UpperApplication class to use our new incredibly powerful service. Currently it has no dependencies so we should add the dependency on the Upper service.

The first thing we need to do is to make sure the Upper Application can see the API project. So click on the bnd.bnd file, select the Build tab, and add the API project, just like we did in the provider project.

Then we change the UpperApplication component class. We must add a setter method for the Upper service with a @Reference annotation, which means we must import org.osgi.service.component.annotations.Reference. No we can add the reference to the end of the class (convention is to place references at the end):

public class UpperApplication implements REST {

	Upper upper;

The @Reference annotation creates a dependency on this service; the UpperApplication component is not started until the service registry contains an Upper service.

The next step is to use the upper instance variable that we’ve just set in the getUpper method (so we must import com.acme.prime.upper.api.Upper again).

public String getUpper(String string) {
	return upper.upper(string);

If the OSGi framework is still running, you likely get errors since we now have an unresolved requirement in our code; we’re referring to the com.acme.prime.upper.api package which is now not provided by anybody.

Add the Provider to the Set of Run Bundles

We’ve changed our dependencies so we need to re-resolve our run bundles. So go to the com.acme.prime.upper.application project and select the com.acme.prime.upper.bndrun file by double clicking, select the Run tab. Hit the Resolve button and then verify that the com.acme.prime.upper.provider has been added. Save the com.acme.prime.upper.bndrun file. This should automatically deploy the set of run bundles in the running framework. Just refresh the browser and check if it still works! If not, well, then your intermediate exercise is to debug it :-)