
Maven Tutorial

OSGi enRoute’s toolchain is based on Gradle but it can actually interact with Maven quite well. It is possible to use artifacts from Maven repositories as well as publishing to Maven local or remote, release or snapshot repositories.

This tutorial takes you through the steps to use remote Maven repositories like Nexus and/or Artifactory. It shows you how to use artifacts from Maven Central as well as how to release locally via snapshots and actual releases.

The example we’re using is a bit warped because we’re mixing development of Maven with the development of Bndtools. Though Bndtools is in general quite good in picking up the changes from other projects in the workspace, the Maven philosophy is quite different. In general you need to execute a command to build or install a project. For Bndtools users this can be quite confusing because they expect things to be updated automatically; Maven users will keep trying to launch a new build before they realize the jar has already been updated.

It is therefore not recommended to mix bnd and Maven projects in a single workspace for real world projects.

The result of this tutorial can be found on Github at https://github.com/osgi/osgi.enroute.examples.maven.

A disclaimer. This tutorial is about learning to use Maven with OSGi enRoute, not about learning Java, Git, Eclipse, nor Maven basics. It is assumed that you have basic experience with these tools. It is also assumed you have at least done the Quick Start Tutorial.

If you have any questions about this tutorial, please discuss them in the forum. And as always, pull requests are highly appreciated.


  1. Prerequisites – The prerequisites for the use of OSGi enRoute (Important!)
  2. The Workspace – Setup a bnd workspace
  3. Maven Background – Change the plugin for Maven Central
  4. Maven Central – Change the plugin for Maven Central
  5. [The Local Repository – Install bnd JARs in the Maven local repository after a build
  6. Using bnd Workspace Projects from Maven Projects – Demonstrate how you can leverage a bnd project with a Maven (m2e) project.
  7. Assembling an Application in Bndtools – Assemble an application, with the resolver, that includes the Maven Eval provider project
  8. Releasing to Nexus – Setup a workspace to release to Nexus
  9. Continuous Integration – Use Continuous Integration to release snapshots and master releases


So, you’ve finished this tutorial! What’s next?

We’d love some feedback. Our most favorite feedback is a pull request on the documentation. As an early user you must have run into some rough edges, outright stupidities, or you had a brilliant idea. Just go to the OSGi enRoute repository on Github. Clone it in your own account, make your changes or additions, and send a pull request. We, and others like you, highly appreciate these kind of contributions.

After you’ve done this tutorial you should have a basic feeling of how to build an application using Distributed OSGi with OSGi enRoute. So the best way to continue learning is to build a small application based on these principles. Running into real problems is the best way to learn a technology. If you run into problems, use the Forum to ask questions and get answers.

And watch this space, we will expand this site with hundreds of data sheets of services you can find on the net. These data-sheets will show you how to use this service in your application with real examples.