How to Configure this Template?

Every Jekyll Template is configured through

  • its _config.yml file
  • front matter in each page

First let’s have a look at the possible configuration properties offered by this template:

Standard Stuff

Virtually any template offers stuff like social media buttons, github buttons, a site name, a logo and stuff like this. This can be configured through the following properties:

title: PDT
author: Thomas Driessen
description: A Project Documentation Template for Jekyll

# language to use in html tag, can be overriden by page.lang
# lang: en 

    style: compressed

# path to logo without leading slash e.g. images/logo.png or just the file name if it is in the root directory
logo: logo.png

# Github data, if present there will be a GitHub button in the navbar
  user: Sandared
  project: documentation_template

# Twitter data, if present there will be a Twitter button in the navbar
  user: SanfteSchorle

All of these properties are selfexplanatory or are explained through the comments in the _config.yml file.


As mentioned on our landing page, this template provides a fully adaptable color scheme. We ourselves have been frustrated to adapt each template to our needs when it comes to colors, so we provide a simple mechanism to change the complete look and feel of the whole site:

# You can look up the color names at
    primary_dark: black
    primary_light: grey-darken-1
    primary: grey-darken-3
    accent: light-blue
    primary_text: grey-darken-4
    secondary_text: grey-darken-1
    inverse_text: white
    divider: grey-lighten-1
    secondaryBackground: grey-lighten-4

Usually you will only change the first 4 colors:

  • primary_dark
  • pimary_light
  • primary
  • accent

The predefined colors can be found on the Materialize CSS Color Page. Usually you choose one color as primary and then go up and down 2-3 steps for the primary_dark and primary_light. Choose the accent color as you wish. Be careful if you choose very light colors, you might have to adapt the secondaryBackground, as it is used for code highlighting.


This color is used rather sparse throughout the website. Only the Heroheader and the News badges are currently making use of it.


This color is used in

  • Heroheader
  • Newsitem badges
  • News Header
  • Links
  • Code Highlighting (very often)
  • Breadcrumb Navigation
  • Table of Contents


This color is used in

  • Headers
  • Navbars
  • Newsitem badges
  • Code Highlighting (very often)
  • Cards


This color is used in

  • Link::hover
  • Page Footer
  • Table of Contents
  • Heroheader button
  • Blockquotes
  • Breadcrumbs
  • Code Highlighting

We recommend to play aroud with these colors to create a site that looks good to you. Remember that you have to restart the Jekyll Server each time you change the colors, as the configuration file is only readat startup.

Additional Collections

Well, this isn’t directly a feature provided by us, but by Jekyll. We merely enhanced it a little bit.

# any of these collections is used for nested pages
    output: true
    output: true

Any collection added to the collections section is searched by our nested template for pages it can display in a nested way.